15 Bible Verses to inspire your New Year Resolutions
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End of 2020
The traumatic year 2020 has come to a close and we are on the threshold of a brand new year- 2021. But then, unlike the previous years, there is apprehension, anxiety, a slight nervousness bordering on panic, that we have never felt while ushering in a new year.
The heralding of a new year had always been one of celebration and gay abandon. Our hearts were filled with an optimistic sense of joy, sending out ripples of hopes and dreams, a feeling that everything was coming up roses!
The first 2 months of the irksome year 2020, was normal…we could travel anywhere, eat wherever, meet up, and hug loved ones. The mask, social distancing, lockdowns and stay at home were just words in the dictionary. Thankfully by God’s Grace, the nightmarish year has come to a close. With Faith, Trust, and Hope in God, we WILL and CAN face the unknown morrow – 2021.
It’s time to make New Year’s resolutions for 2021. Just follow the instructions from the Word Of God while making your resolutions, it is foolproof. You will turn out to be a better human being,pleasing to God and an example to others on how a good human being should be!
1.Praise God continuously for His mercies in the past.
Your Resolution:
Praise God continuously for His mercies in the past.
The Lord has lead you through trials in the past and will continue to protect and strengthen you in the coming year as well. Never cease to be grateful for what the Lord has done for you.Praise Him always.
2. Don’t dwell on the past. Look ahead.
Your Resolution:
Don’t dwell on the past. Look ahead.
Let go of the weight of the past. Let your joyful past become happy memories while you leave the bitter past behind. Past is past..it is gone! Treat it like ancient history. No point in crying over spilled milk. Put your bitter burden in God’s hands and you will feel light. Make a fresh start by looking forward and not back. Your present and future will be peaceful and calm.The Lord has promised new possibilities.So look ahead!
3. Change your old sinful lifestyle.
Your Resolution:
Change your old sinful lifestyle.
Put off your old self, with all the sinful desires of our flesh, and to put on the new self by being righteous and obeying God’s word. Get a new nature. The new self should reflect God in all that we do, in the way we interact with others, our thoughts, actions, and words in every aspect of our lives.
4. Trust in God's wisdom. Allow Him to guide you in all that you do.
Your resolution:
Trust in God’s wisdom and allow Him to guide you in all that you do.
Have total trust in the LORD and do not be confident of your wisdom, but acknowledge God’s infinite wisdom and look to Him to guide you. You will face dilemmas each day of your life. The right answers are easy to find if you humble yourself before God and trust Him on every subject
5. Be kind, pray, and bless those who hate you.
Your Resolution:
Be kind, pray, and bless those who hate you…
Forgive those who hate you, for the Lord’s sake, as He has forgiven you. When you pray for those who have harmed you, the pain and hurt anger, bitterness, and resentment will subside in you. You will feel free and happy and be at peace.
6. Be Humble, Kind, Patient, and Tolerant to one another.
Your Resolution:
Be humble, be gentle, be patient
God wants us to be gentle, humble, and patient. It means that you should always treat others with love.Having these qualities in our hearts leaves no room for anger, stress, arrogance, and other negative stuff. It changes the way we treat others. We should have the patience to treat others meekly and humbly.
7. Do not be boastful and arrogant.
Your Resolution:
Do not be boastful and arrogant.
Whatever we plan in this life, will come to pass, only if it is God’s will. Our life is so fragile, we don’t know what will happen the very next second. Nothing is in our hands. For we are just like mist that appears for a little time and it is gone! We have no control over this life of ours. Thus there is no reason for us to be boastful and arrogant.
8.Treat others the same way you want them to treat you
Your Resolution:
Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.
Do to others what we would want them to do for us. We want others to be good, kind, and respectful to us. Our behavior toward others should the same as well. Pray for others as we would want others to pray for us.
9.Be sincere and genuine in whatever work you do.
Your Resolution:
Be sincere and genuine in whatever work you do.
No matter what work you do, work sincerely and truthfully, with great enthusiasm as if you are working only for God. After all, you are using the gifts the Lord gave you. If you put your talents to use, you are proving to God that you love him and worship him. Find passion in your work and remain steadfast in your love for the Lord.
10.Do not Envy or be Jealous
Your Resolutions :
Do not envy or be Jealous.
Envy cannot stand the praise or success of others, it rejoices when others fall, it despises their virtues, it labors day and night to put others in an evil light. It is a jealous resentment of others. Whereas a cheerful and happy person is blessed with contentment and lighthearted nature with peace of mind.
11. Let your light shine before men!
Your Resolution:
Let your light shine before men!
How can you let your light shine? By keeping the commandments of God and being honest, kind, and compassionate, we are letting our lights shine. We have to live righteous lives and be examples of God’s way.
If you are a good example and if you “let your light shine,” then when other people see your good example, they will know that you love our Heavenly Father and they, too, will want to honor Him.
12. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid.
Your Resolution:
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid.
We have a Heavenly Father who walks every step of the way with us. So there is nothing for us to be afraid of in this world. In fact, the Lord has commanded us to be brave and fearless. He is there to protect you, guide you, and council you. Trust Him. No need for alarm or distress.
13.Speak the truth. Do not tell lies.
Your Resolution:
Speak the truth. Do not tell lies.
We must speak the truth so that we do not harm or tarnish others through lies. Lies create a false or misleading impression. Lies are used to manipulating or to purposely mislead others. It produces distrust. The Lord abhors untruthfulness. He commands us in the Ten Commandments“ Thou shalt not bear false witness”.
14.Do not have Bitterness and Anger or Gossip. Forgive.
Your Resolution:
Do not have Bitterness and Anger, or Gossip. Forgive.
Forgive others for the simple reason that God has commanded us to do us. We ought to forgive as Christ has forgiven our sins. Peace with others begins with peace with God. If you are not at peace with God, there is no way you can be at peace with others. Bitterness, anger, and gossiping nature will automatically cease to exist when we forgive.
15.Pray FOR one another and WITH one another.
Your Resolution:
Pray FOR one another and pray WITH one another.
Our suffering and our battered world is in need of prayer and intercessions. There are many reasons for praise and rejoicing as well. We don’t need qualifications for prayer. Just pray for whoever is in need of prayer- be it for the sick or depressed people or whoever. Be a solace to hurting hearts.
The 15 Resolutions in a Nutshell.
1.Praise God continuously for His mercies in the past. 2. Don’t dwell on the past. Look ahead. 3. Change your old sinful lifestyle. 4. Trust in God’s wisdom. Allow Him to guide you in all that you do. 5. Be kind, pray, and bless those who hate you. 6. Be Humble, Kind, Patient, and Tolerant to one another. 7. Do not be boastful and arrogant. 8.Treat others the same way you want them to treat you 9.Be sincere and genuine in whatever work you do. 10.Do not Envy or be Jealous 11. Let your light shine before men! 12. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. 13.Speak the truth. Do not tell lies 14.Do not have Bitterness and Anger or Gossip. Forgive. 15.Pray FOR one another and WITH one another.
A Reassuring Promise from the Word of God
Time flies, years pass and we can never get them back! Yet God promises to restore the lost years (locust eaten years).
Years of abundance will follow the years of desolation.
So, with Hope and Faith let’s look ahead to a bright New Year 2021.
Please do tell me what you think of these Resolutions…
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4 thoughts on “15 Bible Verses to inspire your New Year Resolutions”
Again Laila these are so beautiful. Your ministry to all of us wonderful.
Love and Happy New Year.
My email is dianasarma@yahoo.com
If you would like to please email me we could catch up a bit.
Again Laila these are so beautiful. Your ministry to all of us wonderful.
Love and Happy New Year.
My email is dianasarma@yahoo.com
If you would like to please email me we could catch up a bit.
Thank you very much Diana..sorry for the delayed reply. will mail you.. thnx. Laila
Hi Laila
Again a wonderful reflection.
Thank you again.
Diana Sarma
Thank you very much Diana..will mail you.Thnx